Respectful Driver 99


When you hear about 99 Taxi, you are automatically referred to one of the largest urban transportation apps in the world. Yes, 99 works with passenger transportation all over the world and has a vast roster of drivers in regular cars and cabs.

The Challenge

With a base of over 800,000 drivers spread throughout Brazil, 99 had a challenge: to educate them about the issues that permeate sexual harassment, in relation to the company's policies and values.

B4People's main mission with Younder was responsible for:

  • create a Corporate education track with a focus on diversity and respect
  • create materiar that would be made available on the client's platform, together with Younder.

The Result

With the whole program, 99 has guaranteed a service provided with more respect, fewer complaints in its channels, improved reputation in front of its consumers compared to its competitors.


Trained Drivers
0 K
Hours of educational videos made available
0 +
Presential lectures distributed in 4 capitals


"The educational platform will promote more safety for users, whether they are passengers or drivers. As a technology company that connects different people, we have a social role to promote diversity and respect inside and outside the app.
Stella Brant
Marketing Director at 99 Taxis

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