99 Taxis - Diversity training for over 800,000 drivers

99 Taxi trains more than 800 thousand drivers all over Brazil.

The Customer

When you hear about 99 Taxi, you are automatically referred to one of the largest urban transportation apps in the world. Yes, 99 works with passenger transportation all over the world and has a vast roster of drivers in regular cars and cabs.

The Challenge

99, had the challenge of training all its drivers in a program based on sexual harassment, thus determining the behaviors and values loved by the platform. And in this process, B4People Cultura was even selected to create a Corporate education track with a focus on diversity and respect, together with Younder.

The delivery

Younder, an edtech company focused on creating solutions for driver training centers, has joined the project with its teaching platform to make materials and activities available to drivers through mobile compatibility.

B4Peoople, on the other hand, acted directly in the creation of the course with the themes of harassment, racism, safety, and homophobia to train more than 800 thousand drivers from all over Brazil.

Our CEO and strategist Ana Bavon, was responsible for creating all the training structure and providing the bibliography for each of the courses hosted in the client's digital platform (EAD).

Ana also worked on the project as a facilitator of the platform's educational videos and on the on-site sensitization talks, distributed in four capital cities (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, and Belo Horizonte).

The result

As you can see from the highlight of the report, besides bringing gains to the client's image, the project itself was a success, as it allowed drivers from all over Brazil to be trained in diversity issues, online and through their cell phones.

The delivery

Younder, an edtech company focused on creating solutions for driver training centers, has joined the project with its teaching platform to make materials and activities available to drivers through mobile compatibility.

B4Peoople, on the other hand, acted directly in the creation of the course with the themes of harassment, racism, safety, and homophobia to train more than 800 thousand drivers from all over Brazil.

Our CEO and strategist Ana Bavon, was responsible for creating all the training structure and providing the bibliography for each of the courses hosted in the client's digital platform (EAD).

Ana also worked on the project as a facilitator of the platform's educational videos and on the on-site sensitization talks, distributed in four capital cities (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, and Belo Horizonte).

The result

As you can see from the highlight of the report, besides bringing gains to the client's image, the project itself was a success, as it allowed drivers from all over Brazil to be trained in diversity issues, online and through their cell phones.

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